Milk serum for the face - benefits and applications

Popular products, on the other hand, have long held the lead among all kinds of skin care formulations. Milk serum is not included in the list of exceptions; it has been used for many years in the fight against cosmetic defects of varying complexity. This inexpensive and truly magical drug should be available to all people. The positive features include whitening properties, combating creases, enhancing cell regeneration, and rejuvenation. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's study the subtleties in more detail.

milk serum for facial skin rejuvenation

When serum is needed

  1. As a rule, this product can be used from the age of 30. The main indications include sagging and flabbiness of the skin, the presence of age-related or facial wrinkles and other imperfections associated with impaired production of collagen and elastin.
  2. With enlarged pores, the natural composition will also be beneficial. It will penetrate deeply, cleanse ducts and eliminate open comedones. Also, the remedy will relieve inflammation in people with a problematic type of epidermis.
  3. It is necessary to use the serum for burns, peeling in winter or summer, general irritation. Very often, cosmetologists recommend starting to use the composition for categories of citizens with a combined or oily type of epidermis.

Whey value and composition

  1. It has already been mentioned that the composition under discussion is classified as natural. The basis is water, it is allocated about 93%. The remaining volume is located between amino acids, lactose, fatty acids, bacteria, vitamin and mineral complex and milk sugar.
  2. It contains many B-group vitamins, including B9 and B5. These substances are required to smooth large or small creases, eliminate rashes, acne, inflammation of a different nature. Also, the B-group is aimed at regeneration and protection from ultraviolet radiation.
  3. It is impossible to ignore the fact that the composition includes ascorbic acid. It relieves irritation, improves the natural pigmentation of the skin, makes it velvety and soft. Vitamin E is required for fat reduction.
  4. Potassium with choline moisturizes, restores fluid balance, closes pores. Calcium is simply essential for lipid metabolism. This is by no means a complete list of valuable substances, but we have listed the most significant compounds.
  5. It is already possible to understand that the serum should be included in the home cosmetic bag as a main or auxiliary agent. It is aimed at nourishing, moisturizing even the deepest layers of the dermis, cleansing, whitening and eliminating the strongest inflammatory processes.
  6. For categories of persons who are faced with age-related or seasonal pigmentation, the presented natural product will only benefit. It gently exfoliates and whitens, so there is no need to go to beauticians.
  7. Aged skin requires this composition to prevent early aging. Serum will be a plus for young ladies, as it increases turgor and microcirculation. Categories of persons with a mixed or oily type need to lubricate the face with the composition in order to normalize the production of fat.
  8. In general, not only pigmentation is leveled, but also the relief of the face. The presented product rejuvenates, heals sunburns or cosmetic procedures. A sedative will benefit those who suffer from irritations and inflammation.

Whey preparation

There are many variations, let's look at the easiest to implement and the most popular ones.

milk serum for rejuvenation
  • 1 way.Send purchased kefir to the freezer. You can also use your homemade one, but it will need to be poured into a tetra pack or bag first. When the contents become solid and freeze, cut the package, discard the composition on several layers of gauze. You can use a strainer. When the food is thawed, you will get a natural composition. You do not need to subject it to additional processing, you can use it. This technique allows you to preserve all the most valuable.
  • Method 2.You will need fresh milk, if possible, use a homemade product with a high fat content. If not, take a purchased one. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and wait for the boil to begin. During this period, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from half of the lemon and introduce it into a saucepan. Stir until the milk product curdles. Remove from the burner, let it cool for a while, then filter through cheesecloth. Leave in a jar, keep cold and apply as needed.
  • Method 3.Prepare the dishes with a lid, pour purchased or homemade milk into it and cover. Put it warm to sour the food. If you want to speed up the procedure, then throw in a small slice of rye bread. When the souring occurs, send the contents to the burner and turn on a lazy fire. You will see lumps and whey form. When the composition is curdled, it is necessary to remove the container from the stove and let it cool under the lid. In a warm state, filter using a couple of layers of gauze. Cottage cheese can be eaten, and serum can be used for cosmetic needs.

Use for face

  1. Once you make the product, it doesn't need to be aged or stored for too long. You can immediately add beauty with this product. The positive aspect is that the composition is suitable for everyone.
  2. Most importantly, remember that there is no need to make serum for future use. Its shelf life is minimal. To get the best results, prepare a new product each time.
  3. Masks with additional ingredients are made on its basis. For example, they are mixed with oils, eggs, clay. A serum is also used before bedtime or in the morning for a regular wash.
  4. Some make cosmetic ice based on it. It turns out a very effective composition that relieves the strongest puffiness and blue tint in the lower eyelids.
  5. You can also dip a cosmetic sponge in the serum, and then treat the skin as when working with a lotion. It turns out to be a fairly effective cleanser, which is removed with water after drying.

Serum in cosmetology

The serum can be used for a variety of purposes. The systematic use of the composition will help transform the appearance.

milk serum for skin rejuvenation


The serum can be used to cleanse the skin daily. It is enough to use it as a wash. This can be considered the easiest and fastest way to improve your appearance. It is enough to soak a cotton sponge and thoroughly walk on the skin of the face. Washing with milk serum for skin rejuvenation is simply irreplaceable.

It is best to grab the décolleté and neck. As mentioned earlier, you can simply wash your face with liquid. After such a procedure, there is no need to wipe your face. Let it dry naturally. Do not be intimidated by the sour aroma, after a few minutes it completely disappears.

Ice cubes

Pour the whey into special molds and send it to the freezer for a while. The result is a great skin tonic that can be used every day.

The serum has an excellent regenerating effect. Regular treatments will help eliminate skin laxity and fine creases. It is highly recommended to wipe it after waking up in the morning.


If you have sensitive skin, it is best to use oatmeal. For the rest, mix 50 ml. serum and 10 gr. coffee grounds.

Obtain a mass that closely resembles a scrub from the ingredients. Apply it with light massage movements. Do not injure your skin under any circumstances. Work around your lips and around your eyes. Take just a few minutes for the procedure.

Wash yourself with warm water and be sure to apply a moisturizer to dry skin. As a result, the face will have a matte finish and obvious freshness. For oily skin, this procedure is allowed to be carried out no more than 2 times a week. In other cases, one will be sufficient.


Combine rye bread pulp and 60 ml in a cup. serum. Mash the composition with a fork to get a homogeneous gruel. Spread the finished mask over your face, it should not spread. Expect about a third of an hour.

At the end of the specified period, roll the composition with light massaging movements. Wash with lukewarm water and moisturize your face with cream. The advantage of such a mask is that it is suitable for absolutely any skin type. You can use it three times a week.

Whitening mask

Mix thoroughly in a total container of 50 ml. serum and 50 gr. high fat cottage cheese. Try to use only rustic products. Spread a homogeneous mass over the skin. You can stretch the rest over your neck.

If you suffer from high fat content, it is recommended to add egg white to the total mass. After applying the mask, you will have to wait about a third of an hour. Remove the agent with warm green tea leaves. Apply cream. Use the recipe twice a week to achieve the desired result.


Heat the whey in a steam bath to an acceptable temperature. Dampen a gauze cloth in it. Fold it in several layers and make slits for the mouth, eyes and nose. Apply a compress and mark for half an hour. After the specified time has elapsed, there is no need to wash. Use a compress every day.

When using the product, it should be understood that there will be no sense from one procedure. To achieve maximum effect, use is carried out for 30 days or more.